
What Are The Health Benefits Of Sit Stand Up Desks?


In the present day world, the work culture is becoming increasingly desk-bound and computer-centric as a result of which people are spending more time sitting in one place. In short, an average working person spends apparently 12 hours sitting in one place and this in the long run takes a toll on their health. 

The modern lifestyle poses a big threat in the form of “sitting disease”. This is also referred to as a metabolic syndrome. Not just metabolic syndrome, this lifestyle also increases the risk of diabetes, heart ailments, obesity, and lastly, death at a young age. Prolonged sitting in one place is the primary cause that’s resulting in these ailments and is depriving people of their health. 

However, making some nominal changes in your daily habits can actually bring about a big change or betterment in your overall well-being. Attempting to stand or move more round the clock or even when you are working can greatly benefit your mind, including your body in a wide variety of ways.

And, using a sit-stand desk during working is one of the best ways to include standing efforts to your lifestyle and work culture as well. A sit-stand desk is more like a desk with height adjustment features and this lets you work alternately between standing and sitting. 

Some health benefits of sit stand up desks are:

  • Doctors suggest sit-stand desks for the sit, stand switch that benefits you optimally. They suggest that people should alternate between sitting and standing every half an hour because staying in one posture for too long can strain your body. With a sit-stand desk featuring an automated button, switching from one position to another is easy.
  • These desks also let you stand, exercise and work at the same time so that you stay healthy completely even when you are working. With this, you can easily overcome the hazardous effects of sitting for more than 8 hours each day. 
  • These desks also help to eliminate the metabolic syndrome that can result in heart ailments, diabetes, and obesity as well. You burn apparently 30% of calories as you keep standing as compared to sitting throughout the day. 
  • Sit-stand desks also help reduce chronic back pain and neck pain that’s primarily caused due to prolonged sitting in one place. 

Looking for such desks online? Then PrimeCables stand up desks is definitely the place to be. 

Jeff Hoover

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