
Understanding of Digital Accessibility


Digital accessibility creates accessible digital environments and products so that people with different disabilities may use the service, product, or function.

People with sensory, cognitive, and physical impairments or disabilities must be permitted to enter both public and private settings, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which the US Congress established in 1990. Assistive or adaptive digital accessibility technology is now included in the ADA.

You may be wondering what this means for your business and how you can ensure digital accessibility. QualityLogic assists organizations in adapting to digitally available technologies. We are the business to call since we have over 30 years of quality assurance experience.

Regulations Relating to Electronic Accessibility

As of this writing, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) believes that the ADA includes digital accessibility and has not expressly extended ADA criteria to incorporate digital accessibility.

Additional laws, on the other hand, can be examined from the perspective of digital accessibility. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandates government departments and agencies to provide accessible information to people with disabilities. If they are unable to do so, they must give alternate access methods for people with disabilities to the data and information provided by these information systems. Individuals with disabilities must have the same access as persons who do not have impairments.

The Communications Act of 1934 was modified in 2010 by the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CCVA), which created new regulations to ensure that modern technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities. Title I of the law specifies standards for “advanced” telecommunications goods and services, whereas Title II establishes standards for televisions, television services, television programs, and streaming video.

In 2016, the European Union issued its own law, Directive (EU) 2016/2102, which standardized accessibility criteria across the EU. A directive is a piece of European Union legislation that specifies a certain goal while leaving the means of attaining it up to the individual member states.

Examples of Digital Accessibility

The following goods are examples of standard digital accessibility on a well-designed website:

Images on screens are incomprehensible to screen readers and other assistive technologies, but their substitute text is. Every visual element, such as the ability to view an image’s description or the text that has been added to it, must be accompanied by a full-text counterpart. Flowcharts, schematics, graphs, maps, menu buttons, infographics, and explanation-based presentations may all benefit from this.

A person with a disability can navigate using the keyboard instead of the mouse as long as they have access to a keyboard. Tabs should be used to move logically and consistently between sections, menus, form fields, links, and other content locations on a totally keyboard-accessible website.

Page headers are important for navigation and information organization, in addition to aesthetics. True header components should be coded into the headers, and the data should be formatted and displayed in a visible and understandable manner.

Because of elements such as the hue of the connecting light, links may be difficult for all users, impaired or not. A stable connection is one of the most important aspects for all users. Readers look for identifiable relationships in reading aids. However, they only appear on rare occasions. A successful connection requires three factors:

  • Readability entails using standard terminology and including the URL.
  • Clarity reveals the content of the relationship.
  • By adding a description, uniqueness distinguishes the link from other information in the body text.

All pages on a website should have the same or similar designs, layouts, and navigation buttons to guarantee a consistent user experience (UX). Users may browse a website with more confidence if they know their experience will be consistent and error-free. It is critical to have similar iconography and control components throughout all pages, as well as to give repeat navigation links, including skip links.

Disabled People’s Use of Online Content

Individuals with varied disabilities have a difficult time navigating digital content. Text-to-speech software may be required for the blind or visually impaired. Audio and video content may require transcripts or captions for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. The problem may need to be communicated to persons who have cognitive disabilities. People with physical disabilities may also require content that may be accessed using various input devices, such as switches or eye-gaze sensors. By keeping these various factors in mind, website designers and developers may create digital content that is more accessible to a wider audience.

Keep Those With Visual Impairments in Mind When Creating Content

When it comes to digital information, it is critical to understand that not all interactions with the environment are created equal. Those who have poor or no vision, for example, must rely on a variety of signals to grasp information. Certain precautions must be taken before exposing children to digital content. For example, each image needs a deluge of textual captions. Audio explanations and closed captions must also be included in videos. You can ensure that everyone has access to your digital data by following these instructions.

Make Content For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

When creating digital material, it is critical to consider the demands of all potential viewers. Traditional sorts of the content may be challenging for people with disabilities to absorb. Closed captioning enables hard-of-hearing and deaf people to watch digital content.

When creating digital content with closed captioning, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, the captions must be readable and understandable. This includes choosing large letter sizes and avoiding typefaces with intricate patterns that may be difficult to read. Audio and subtitles must be supplied on time as well. The program that transcribes the audio recording can produce subtitles either manually or automatically. Finally, double-check the captions for errors.

It is possible to create digital content that is accessible to people of all abilities by adhering to these principles. Closed captioning is one method for improving accessibility; audio description and sign language interpretation are two more. If you investigate their preferences, you can create digital content that appeals to all audiences.


Visitors to your website must have digital access to your digital content. Please visit if you have any questions or would like more information about our services. We can’t wait to help you make your website more user-friendly for everyone.

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