
Top seven activities that waste employees’ work time at work and how to fix them in 2021


Employees often get distracted during their work-hour and indulge themselves in things that are huge time-wasters. Here are few activities that take up their time with the solution to overcome it.

  1. Using mobile phones:

More often, employees use mobile phones during their office hours. They get a call, a message, and in just a blink of an eye, most of their time gets wasted.

Solution: Scheduling the time for calls or messages can be taken into consideration. Some companies like Amazon do not allow their employees to use cell phones during work-hour.

  1. Short breaks and feeding:

Employees often spend more than the required time. Their short breaks extend to one hour, and it is a time-waster.

Solution: A dedicated hour should be set for the employees, and they should strictly follow it.

  1. Lack of concentration and focus:

Employees do not focus on the work and are often distracted by most things such as messages, calls, or any other interruptions.

Solution: They should avoid their mobiles if it not necessary. They should maintain distance from the un-focused peers because they strive to meet the deadlines and distract others.

  1. Unclear communication:

Lack of communication or unclear communication leads to the poor performance of the team and the company. Most of the employees keep wasting their time than utilizing it to ask relevant and necessary questions.

Solution: Employees should clear their doubts and keenly listen to avoid unnecessary tension and pressure.

  1. Long and unnecessary meetings:

Meetings are no doubt important, but long and unnecessary meetings are huge time-wasters.

Solution: Meetings must be conducted only when they are unavoidable and are extremely necessary. It should consist of only important and concerned members.

  1. Not being able to say no:

Employees have a habit of saying yes to almost everything. Sometimes, they want to be in the good books of their bosses, or sometimes, they want to get promoted. But, it takes away too much of the time of the employees. They keep saying yes to unnecessary things, and in the process, the important tasks are left undone.

Solution:  Saying yes to only things which you can do and which matters.

  1. No knowledge of tools and technologies:

Employees are sometimes not aware of the technology and the company’s tools, which again wastes their time.

Solution:  All the employees on the joining should be taught the tools and technology during the training.

Some of the most common time-wasting activities have been mentioned here. To know moreactivate your free trial.

Jeff Hoover

Drawboard PDF: 3 good alternatives

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