
Protected digital notes-Share ideas, info, and to-dos securely with privnote


Then this is where privnote comes in – it’s a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to create private text notes that self-destruct after being read.  Privnote is a web application that generates a unique, encrypted link for text entry. You share this link via email, messaging apps, social media etc. When the recipient opens the link, they view the note. Once it’s opened, the note is deleted from privnote’s servers so it can’t be seen again. The note also disappears after a set period, even if it hasn’t been looked at

Makes privnote ideal for:

  1. Sharing private information, personal details, secrets, or confidential business info
  2. Sending passwords, API keys, or other sensitive credentials
  3. Protecting intellectual property – share ideas, drafts or snippets privately
  4. To-do lists, private reminders, or temporary notes you don’t need to keep
  5. They are Avoiding data harvesting, targeted ads, or misuse of your information

Secure Encryption

All notes are encrypted end-to-end using military-grade encryption. Not even private access to the contents of your notes. It prevents man-in-the-middle attacks and ensures your notes remain private.

Self-Destructing Notes

Once opened, notes are instantly wiped out forever. You also set an expiry time after which unopened notes are permanently lost. It removes the risk of notes being accessed unauthorized.

No Sign Up Required

You don’t need to register an account to use private. Just visit the website, type or paste your note, and share the generated link – no passwords or personal details are needed.

Custom Link & Note Settings

Customize the auto-generated link with your vanity URL. Notes also be password protected for an extra layer of security. The default expiry time is 7 days but be reduced to 1 day or 1 hour.

Plain Text Content

Notes are limited to plain text content with no formatting. It prevents tracking via cookies/pixels that are hidden in images or HTML. Plain text also loads faster.


Private doesn’t store any details about who creates notes or who accesses them. There’s no way to identify the sender from the noted link. IP addresses are also not logged.

Easy to Use Interface

The privnote website and apps have a clean, minimal interface that’s easy to use. There’s no login or account setup – just start typing or pasting your content.

Open Source & Audited

Privnote is open-source software with the code available on GitHub. It allows anyone to inspect it for security and privacy. Key components are also regularly audited.

Browser Extensions

Extensions for Chrome and Firefox allow privnote links to open in a pop-up lightbox right in your browser. It provides seamless access to privnotes. The main downside to privnote is the lack of backup options. Once a note is deleted or expires, there’s no way to recover it. However, this is by design to prevent notes from being accessed in an insecure way if private servers are compromised. The service also limits notes to 10,000 characters so it’s for larger documents. Links, images, and attachments can’t be placed either.

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