
Batch Skip Tracing: How to Generate Real Estate Leads


Batch skip tracing in real estate involves gathering contact information for a substantial number of property owners with the aim of identifying potential sellers interested in offloading their homes.

Real estate investors frequently employ skip tracing to locate and reach out to owners of distressed properties, such as those facing pre-foreclosure, neglect, or abandonment.

This method is favored by investors as it streamlines the process of discovering and acquiring off-market properties at prices below market value, bypassing the need to pay the full retail price.

Continue reading to assess whether this strategy aligns with your objectives, complete with an analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, as well as details on software pricing and reviews.

What is batch skip tracing in real estate?

Skip tracing 101

Skip tracing involves the act of locating and confirming a person’s information that is not readily accessible. The term “skip” is derived from the notion of someone having “skipped town,” and “tracing” denotes the process of tracking down this individual.

In the context of real estate, skip tracing is a more straightforward process focused on obtaining accurate contact information for the owner of a property. Real estate investors utilize skip tracing to enhance their marketing strategies and acquire undervalued properties.

Information can be sourced from public records and property lookup websites, confirming details such as a person’s full name, physical address, phone number, and email.

Batch skip tracing: Less time, more leads

Batch skip tracing expands upon this method by compiling batches of individual records, enabling the identification and verification of a greater number of homeowner records in a more efficient timeframe.

This real estate lead generation process proves highly effective when seeking owners of distressed properties, as they are often motivated to sell.

For instance, certain off-market properties may require costly repairs that homeowners are unable or unwilling to address. Additionally, owners of such properties may lack the time to publicly list the home.

Investors can leverage batch skip tracing to contact these homeowners directly, presenting an opportunity to make tailored offers that reflect the specific condition of the property.

How does skip tracing in real estate actually work?

  1. Initiate by compiling a list of homeowners for outreach. Survey neighborhoods and make note of distressed properties, identifying signs such as disrepair, overgrown landscaping, posted notices, or unlit homes at night (indicating potential vacancies).
  2. Utilize public records or property lookup websites to search for information. The objective is to ascertain the property owner’s details and extract their contact information, including phone numbers, emails, and mailing addresses.
  3. Engage with homeowners through various channels such as cold calling, email, or direct mail, depending on the available information. Express your interest in the property and assess the owner’s willingness to sell.
  4. Schedule an appointment. If the homeowner expresses interest in selling, arrange a meeting to inspect the interior of the house.
  5. Evaluate the property’s worthiness. A firsthand view of the home allows you to assess potential repair costs and determine a fair offer price. Running the numbers enables you to ascertain if the deal aligns with your investment criteria.

Use batch skip tracing software

Manually extracting contact information from homeowners is a time-intensive and unpredictable process, leading to a hit-or-miss outcome. To enhance your chances, it’s crucial to boost both the quantity and quality of leads.

Batch skip tracing software is available to streamline your search, allowing for the rapid generation of a large volume of real estate leads. These services deliver top-tier data, ensuring more accurate phone numbers, thereby increasing your “hit rate” and enhancing your likelihood of success.

Platforms like DealMachine and PropStream serve to identify and categorize potentially motivated sellers for outreach.

These services simplify the process by enabling you to filter homeowners based on zip code and incorporate relevant search criteria, including foreclosures, tax-delinquent properties, vacant homes, and bank-owned residences.

Batch skip tracing pros and cons

Increases your potential real estate deals

Batch skip tracing proves instrumental in establishing contact with a greater number of homeowners. The ability to connect with more off-market property owners significantly improves the likelihood of success compared to the slower and more individualized manual skip tracing efforts.

Particularly beneficial for investors aiming to swiftly generate a substantial volume of real estate leads, batch skip tracing software streamlines the search process. Its efficiency becomes especially pronounced when there’s a need to expedite lead generation within a short timeframe.

Speeds up your housing search

Skip tracing can be a time-consuming task, involving manual confirmation of accurate homeowner information and individual contact attempts. 

Batch skip tracing streamlines this process by automating the confirmation of information, initiating contact attempts on your behalf, and boosting the efficiency of reaching out to multiple properties.

Deals have high potential return on investment (ROI)

Leveraging batch skip tracing can enhance returns for real estate investors. 

Distressed property owners often show a greater inclination to sell their homes at discounted rates compared to properties publicly listed on real estate platforms such as Zillow and Trulia.


The process takes a lot of time and effort

Engaging in real estate investing remains a time-intensive endeavor, even when utilizing batch skip tracing software. Successfully connecting with property owners and acquiring off-market houses demands dedicated effort, making it a potentially lengthier process, especially for part-time real estate investors.

Costs can add up

The expenses associated with batch skip tracing services vary, often exceeding $100 per month, with additional charges for supplementary services such as mail campaigns. Depending on the chosen features, costs can accumulate swiftly.

Success is not guaranteed

Securing a deal presents its own set of challenges, contingent on market conditions, the effectiveness of your outreach strategy, and response rates from property owners. The discovery of quality leads or favorable deals may not be immediate.


In navigating the landscape of real estate investing, the integration of batch skip tracing software serves to streamline processes and broaden outreach to homeowners. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that the real estate investment journey remains time-consuming, requiring consistent effort, particularly for part-time investors. While the efficiency of batch skip tracing is accompanied by associated costs, the potential advantages in terms of lead generation and deal acquisition must be carefully weighed against these expenditures. The success of securing deals is contingent on various factors, encompassing market dynamics, the effectiveness of outreach strategies, and response rates from property owners. A balanced understanding of both the advantages and challenges associated with this approach is essential for investors aiming to optimize their real estate pursuits.

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