
Amazon’s product guidelines for FBA Sellers


Whether you’re focusing on improving your product images, product descriptions, or product reviews, it’s essential that you adhere to Amazon’s guidelines. If not, Amazon will take action, whether by penalizing or banning your account — which decreases your sales in an instant.

That’s why many businesses partner with an experienced Amazon marketing agency, like Zonbase. With more than 10 years of experience, our team understands Amazon’s standards for earning genuine customer reviews or optimizing product titles.

With a trusted partner, your business doesn’t have to worry about repercussions. You know you’re optimizing your advertising and marketing strategy according to Amazon’s guidelines because you partnered with a respected and trusted agency.

Send Amazon promotions to high-value shoppers

How else can you increase your sales on Amazon? By continuing to integrate your digital marketing efforts. If your company uses email marketing, for example, you can direct your email subscribers to your Amazon Store.

If you want to drive subscribers to your store, you can include an exclusive offer in your email. For example, maybe you’ll offer users five percent off their order or a free cover with their grill. You can also use these exclusive offers to drive email sign-ups.

For instance, next to your sign-up form on your website, you may say, “Sign-up to receive exclusive offers…,” which can encourage shoppers to not only join your email subscription but act on those promotions.

Use Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content

As a vendor on Amazon, your company can take advantage of A+ Enhanced Marketing Content — if you’re a seller, you can use Enhanced Brand Content. With these tools, you can create immersive and informative product listings.

For example, you can feature images, comparison charts, graphs, and more to create a visual shopping experience. Shoppers can quickly skim through and see the value of your product, as well as its appearance.

Plus, Enhanced Brand Content and A+ Enhanced Marketing Content are a trust signal to users. They upgrade your product listing with a professional touch that emphasizes that a real company, as well as brand, is behind this product.

Encourage verified customer reviews

If you want to increase your sales on Amazon, you need to develop a review management strategy. Reviews have immense influence over purchase decisions, with 80 percent of shoppers crediting reviews for changing their minds about buying a product.

For many vendors on Amazon, however, it’s an ongoing challenge to earn verified reviews. That’s why many companies start soliciting or incentivizing reviews from consumers, which goes against Amazon’s policies and jeopardizes your online business.

Do not pay for reviews — instead, develop a strategy encouraging reviews from verified buyers. If you’re struggling with review management, Zonbaseamzdfy can help. We can you with proven experience in assisting businesses to earn genuine, satisfied reviews from shoppers.

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