
Preparing To Upgrade An HCL Domino Server – Best Options You Have


Upgrading or migrating to the latest Domino v12.0.2 version enables organizations to leverage modern toolsets, minimize security threats, explore new features, and deliver an intuitive app development platform. If your organization is preparing for an upgrade, typically you have five options to consider.

  1. Option 1 – It is an ideal option if your current Domino server version is v9.0.1 or above. However, it is important that your operating system on the server complies with the specifications required by the new version of Domino. The hardware should also meet the minimum requirements. In Option 1, the new Domino version will install over the current version, without uninstalling the same.
  1. Option 2 – The use cases for Option 2 are similar to Option 1. However, the only difference is that upgrading to the new version will require uninstalling the current version first and then installing the new version.
  1. Option 3 – Prepare for Option 3 if the operating system or hardware cannot be upgraded on your server machine to support the latest upgrade. Therefore, it is recommended to shut down your current server when the Domino upgrade is in process. It will install the new version on new hardware and not your current hardware or operating system. However, it will retain the identity of the current server. In Option 3, the files will be copied to the new hardware from the current server. It is recommended if your organization requires moving to new hardware.
  1. Option 4 – This is similar to Option 3 except that it involves more complex manual configurations of the new server. Additionally, it does not require shutting down the current server during the process.
  1. Option 5 – Prepare for Option 5 if you want to change your current hardware or operating system, or adopt a new naming scheme for the server. You can also change install paths, increase server capacity, or test the compatibility of custom applications and templates.

Based on your requirements and current specifications, you should create a comprehensive plan to prepare for the HCL Domino upgrade. It is feasible to work with an expert Domino consultant such as RockTeam who can help you navigate the process and determine the right option for you.

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