
The Reason Why You Must Invest in an Accessibility Overlay for Your Business?


There is a wide range of web accessibility tools available in the market, and all of them have great potential to boost web traffic to your website and blog. They are widely in demand on the Internet and should be embraced by people and businesses who own a website or a blog to make it accessible to people with disabilities with success.

An overview of an accessibility overlay and its significance online

Now the question arises, why do you need to use an accessibility overlay for your business? It is simple to just publish the content and forget about it. This is not the case. The Internet is meant to be accessed by everyone, including users with disabilities like blindness, motor disorders, auditory disorders, and more. This means that all of your users who will visit your website will not be the same.

For instance, if a blind user comes to your website and you do not have screen reading technology where the text of the content is read aloud to the user, he/she will never come back to your site as it does not serve their intended purpose to either get information or buy something. They will go to your competitor’s site that has accessibility options like keyboard navigation and screen readers. In this way, they will get the information or products/services they seek and become loyal customers of that website as it caters to their accessibility needs over you.

Overlays have been around for some time now

You might have heard about the National Federation of the Blind or the American Foundation for The Blind in the past. If you are not aware of them, they are a few of the oldest organizations in the USA that have helped people become independent, get an education, find jobs, use technology, access information, etc. They have been using overlays ever since 2004. This tool is a browser toolbar that has links to extensive information about blindness and how to make an accessibility overlay for your site. This was termed a scroller, and the AFB liked the above a lot that it used it for several years afterward.

WordPress sites and overlay tools

If you are the owner of a WordPress site, you will be under the assumption that you need an overlay, and for this, you would have to use several plugins that are available for your site. This is not true.

There are many other ways in the market to help you create an accessibility overlay for your site or blog. You just need a simple code to help people understand what they read on the site and give them what they need so that they can decide whether to read more content or go to the next page.

When choosing your accessibility overlay, make sure to compare features and technologies as all of the tools available in the market are not the same. Compare them well and always invest in a credible service provider.

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