
Learn more about basics of malware prevention


Malware remains a key threat for businesses. Your company needs to take adequate steps to prevent malware attacks, because the consequences can be severe, to say the least. Different types of malware cause varied types of damages. Some malware programs are designed to spy on user activities, while others can be used as a backdoor to hack and gain unauthorized access to a system, network or device. More often than not, malware gets downloaded or installed without the knowledge of the user, and as a result, backdoor attacks are often not detected for the longest time. 

Malware prevention doesn’t have to be expensive or convoluted. What matters is a more proactive approach. Your business needs to be a step ahead in avoiding malware in the first place. In this post, we are discussing basics of malware prevention. 

Identify different types of malware

There are different kinds of malware as we had mentioned before. Ransomware, for example, is meant to extort money by encrypting data, while spyware is used for spying. Adware can force ads and popups, while trojans come off as legitimate software, prompting the user to download and install the same. Other examples include worms and viruses. Malware always has a malicious intention, and there are some simple steps that businesses need to follow, after they have identified the threats. 

Follow the simple steps

First and foremost, train your employees. They are handling your IT assets and resources, and they need to know what malware attacks are all about. Hackers often rely on tricks like social engineering, to make employees download a program, and the malware may remain undetected for a long time. Secondly, ensure that employees are using strong passwords, and all default details like usernames and passwords are changed immediately. Using antimalware and antispyware software programs also help. Using firewalls and network segmentation can also help in malware prevention and reducing damage.  

Create an incident response plan

Let’s assume that your business has been affected by a malware attack. What’s next? Having a clear set of protocols for handling such situations is important. For instance, the device affected by malware must be isolated and further steps must be taken for removal. It is also wise to rely on software programs that help in alerting on malware files. Your employees should know who to report and how to report a malware incident. 

It takes collaborative effort and work to counter malware attacks, but the good news is you can avoid the traps with a few steps. 

Jeff Hoover

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