
How to Come Up with 50 Topic Ideas in 30 Minutes


As more people resort to using online and digital platforms, various businesses continue to see the benefits of using the internet for their marketing campaigns, such as reaching a broader market and increasing e-commerce sales. Accordingly, the most used internet marketing strategy is search engine optimization (SEO). It helps businesses’ websites be easily visible to search engine users whenever they search a keyword related to a product or services.

Numerous companies optimize their websites by creating creative content, such as product landing pages, blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and directories. Some choose to partner with Philippines digital marketing expert to produce their site’s contents; while, others prefer to have their creative content team. However, even if you choose either of the options, both still start formulating topic ideas before producing content.

Coming up with topic ideas can be difficult, especially if you have to limit yourself with topics that have not yet been produced by your company or your competitors. Content creators need to be creative and quick-thinking to create topic ideas for the business’s website content.

There are ways to produce different topics and headlines within 30 minutes, just before or during a brainstorming session with the content creation team. The first thing you must do, as a content creator, is to prepare yourself mentally to help you generate excellent topics within a short time. Moving at a quiet place, away from distractions, with either a pen and paper or computer can help you focus and let your though process work without any interruptions.

It will help if you follow these writing phases while thinking of different topics and from different angles. The first phase is to jot down the ideas that are floating around in your head. It would be best for you to list everything down, even if some topic titles do not make sense.

The second phase is interviewing yourself as if you are interviewing someone. Doing a self-interview can help you gather ideas about the areas you want to change or see differently in your workplace. It can help you generate questions that may lead to different topic ideas.

Furthermore, it can direct you to start with the third phase of writing ideas, researching what is popular and trending. Finding a link between a viral trend or topic and your business can help you see stories from different angles; thus, create a perfect topic idea for your content.

The third phase can also help you generate more topic ideas that you are interested in but are not related to your niche. It directs you to the fourth phase of writing ideas, which is creating bonus content. These types of creative content can help build trust, loyalty, and engagement.

The topic formulation can be draining, mainly when most topics have already been published and uploaded. Although having a team of your own for your business’s marketing campaigns, you can opt to hire a digital marketing firm to help you with your site’s contents. You can compare the cost of digital marketing in the Philippines and check which company suits your marketing budget and cater to your needs.

This article from TopSEOs details some tips on how to come up with content writing topic ideas in 30 minutes.


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